Prerequsites :
Java 1.6 or above.
Apache Tomcat
Server 6.0 or above.
OpenDJ as a directory server.
OpenAm as an
identity provider.
Steps to install Java 1.6 in Linux are here
2. Installing openDJ
OpenDJ provides a user directory service
based upon LDAP standards, creating a simple, easy to deploy and scalable option to use as a user data store.
You can download openDJ(Zip) setup here
Steps to install openDJ in Linux can be found at
Installing OpenDJ
in windows: Once you have downloaded
the openDJ unzip it, open the folder and
click setup.bat and follow the steps below to install openDJ in windows
Once the installation is done login into opendj with the
opendj as password. You can manage different users in the manage entries
section on the sidebar.
To open opendj again go to installation directory. In my
case it is C:\Users\NareshJella\OpenDJ-2.5.0-Xpress1\OpenDJ-2.5.0-Xpress1\bat
and double click control-panel.bat .
3. Install Tomcat server6.0 or above and add the following
entries in the host file and save it
is the public ip address of the system in
which tomcat is installed )
Once this is done you should be able to see tomcat
running at (80 is the
port in which our Tomcat is running it may be different for you)
Installing openAm: Download the latest openam war file
(you may change the name of war file to
openam.war) and deploy it in the Tomcat Server
Click on manager app and enter your username and password.
Now go to ‘WAR file to deploy’ section and choose the openAm
war file you downloaded and click on deploy. If everything goes well you should
be able to see an entry in the applications section
Note : If you get any error
related to ‘multipart-config‘ then go to
C:\Program Files\Apache Software
Foundation\Tomcat 7.0\webapps\manager\WEB-INF and open web.xml and
increase the max-file-size of the multi-part config tag to the size specified
in the error message
Click on openam application you will be directed to the
OpenAm configuration page as below
Password : cangetinam
Password : cangetindj (password that is given during
installation of OpenDJ)
Password : cangetinpa
Once the configuration is done you should able to see the
following page when you browse for
Login with the administrator credentials i.e
User name : amadmin
Password :
Follow this link for further configurations like
Creating Users
Creating a Web Agent
Creating an Access Policy
Configuring for
Single sign on
Follow the below link to configure SSO on openAm and Salesforce